United Kingdom - Grossbritannien, - Radwandern - Eisenbahn, Fähre, Reiserad

Schottland - Küsten, Inseln und Hochland

Picture Replacement Info

Hi Dan

This page shows ALL images available for this journey in good quality.

There are two directories (content is shown here):

  • /wAssets/travelogue/000015/00_all_new_pics/web_all
    Contains all images I've used in the web (as far as I know)
    This is the source to replace the imgs already used with better quality ones.

  • /wAssets/000015/00_all_new_pics
    Contains all images available, but not used on the web so far


Find in the first directory all pictures matching all pictures used so far in the websites of this journey

The pics used in these pages must be REPLACED by the pictures contained in the dir mentioned above

Please use "copy" and "insert" for doing this,
then delete the image to be replaced,
and rename the new inserted img to the name the replaced img had.
This will maintain their sequence when shown in the img gallery of the page.

This is NOT urgent, so take all the time you need to make it.

Thanx a lot!


Content of Directory /wAssets/travelogue/000015/00_all_new_pics/web_all

Content of Directory /wAssets/travelogue/000015/00_all_new_pics

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