Very attractive route through the Jura from Tramelan to Reconvilier (red).
Length; 31km (about 63 total red&green tracks) kilomwters, difficulty: easy
Getting there: By train to Tramelan, return: By train from Reconvilier
Since we live nearby, we cycled home all the way from Reconvilier on the road (green track).
Navigation: GPS tracks: View / Download
The first uphill from Tramelan until the first Jura chain is very steep, but cyclable. Then it's easy riding to the Etang de la Gruere (can be circumnavigated on foot). After a short downhill walk a well doable grass path follows (can be very muddy when it rains). The rest of the tour is all on unpaved paths and small paved roads in constant up and down.
Particularly worth seeing is the former monastery in Bellelay. There are often exhibitions of renowned artists.
The visit to the restaurant with the large horse stables in Bellelay is a must. There you can see and try the excellent cheese Tomme de Bellelay, and it can be bought here too.
At the end of the course the biker enjoys a long descent to Reconvilier.
The road from Tavannes direction Biel over the Pierre Pertuis has very little traffic. The same is true for the road till Sonceboz. Here you turn right onto the bike lanes on the very busy road to Biel. Although at first it does not look like, cycling is possible and allowed on this road. The passage through the two well-lit tunnels is also very fast and easy due to the continuous gradient. Before Biel leave the highway to the right and go down into the town.
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